Mount Brown Public School Parents and Citizens Association (P&C) would like to welcome you.
We run the uniform shop and the canteen.
If you have any ideas for the school or P&C, or have a concern, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our email address is - we would love to hear from you.
P&C meetings
Meetings are generally held on the second Tuesday of the month in the Staff Room at 6.00pm.
Meetings are relaxed and friendly, and you will have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss issues of interest to you.
If you are unable to attend meetings but would still like to have your say, please email your suggestions, agenda items or concerns to the P&C email . Your issue will be raised on your behalf (anoymously if you wish), and a response will be forwarded to you.
P&C executive
Position | Name |
President | Rebecca Fackendar |
Vice President | Karen Allen |
Vice President | Selina Donald |
Secretary | Amanda Annesley |
Treasurer | Leela Kempton |
Fundraising | Maree Draper |
Canteen | Vacant |
Uniform shop | Alexis Lukins |
What the P&C does
The P&C plays an important role in today's schools. P&C stands for parents and citizens. This means we are here to work with both the school and also parents and citizens of the school community.
The P&C is run by a dedicated team of parent volunteers. The P&C raise funds for the purpose of donating them to the school. By doing this everybody in the school community benefits from having more – especially our children.
The P&C also help in the following ways:
- Operate the school canteen with the help of parent volunteers.
- Operate the uniform shop also with the help of parent volunteers.
- Perform fundraising activities to raise funds to donate to the school. This enables much need equipment and extra resources to be purchased. Many parents donate their time and skills to help our fundraising team.
The P&C also perform important roles such as:
- Helping to set school policy and to help make decisions about the day to day issues at our school.
- Bringing parents and the school together to share information about our school.
The P&C has raised funds to provide the following:
- iPads for students to use in class
- hovercams for classrooms
- playground equipment funding
- "Focus on Reading" resources
- an "event kit" for students sports representatives
- Library refurbishment
- extra chairs for the school hall and much more.
It's not just the school we work with. Parents are very important and crucial to our success in raising funds. We encourage contact from parents – especially if you have suggestions or concerns. You can even remain anonymous and we will present your information for you.
Joining the P&C
Being a P&C member does not have to take up much of your time.
There's no need to attend every meeting or be involved in every activity. It's up to you – you can give as much of your time or as little as you like. All help is welcome and valued – more hands means light work! Without our parent volunteers, the P&C cease to exist - that means the school and its students miss out on much needed resources.
As part of the school community you can:
- volunteer in the canteen or uniform shop, with shifts to suit you.
- support special events like carnivals and stalls.
- help with preparation for fundraising activities, like gift wrapping.
- add your voice to decision making which affects our school.
- hold a position on the P&C committee, such as treasurer or president.
- just come along to meetings to listen and be updated what's going on at your child's school.
You meet some fantastic people as well!
Benefits of P&C participation
Benefits for your family and you include:
- By being involved you will get a closer connection with your child's education through:
- Direct access to the Principal and other members of staff.
- Information and explanations about what's happening in the school and what's coming up in the future.
- The chance to vote on how fundraising money is spent, how the canteen operates and what the school uniform looks like.
- Having your say about issues of concern and school policies.
With more input from parents – we receive better and varied ideas coming through to benefit the school and your child! Plus – children just love seeing mum or dad getting involved at their school! It makes them feel more secure and excited about school.
Get involved
Just come along to any meeting. Meeting dates are advertised on the noticeboard at the front of the school, in the Bulletin, and on the school's website. The meetings are friendly and relaxed, and you will get the opportunity to ask questions and discuss issues of interest to you. If you would like more information please contact